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Thought Tweet #639

by Rick Baker
On Dec 27, 2012

Thought Tweet #639 One thing I've learned about drawing lines in the sand: before you draw them, set your Master Rules


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Note to self...

Know the rules you want to live by....your Master Rules

Anticipate possible situations & predict a set of outcomes...'scenarios'.

Visualize how people will feel and act.

Visualize how you will feel and act.

Do these things before drawing lines.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Master Rules | Thought Tweets

Getting the People part right

by Rick Baker
On Dec 27, 2012

Business contains only 3 things: People, Process, & Situations

And in this new era, if leaders don't get the People part right - their businesses fail.

That last sentence was qualified by the words "in this new era". In this new era, if leaders don't get the People part right then their businesses will fail. 

Q: What's changed? 

Q: What's escalated to importance of getting the People part right?

A1: Technology has changed & escalated. 

A2: People have changed & escalated.

Handful of examples & explanations:

  • Technology has changed: this point can be summed up in one word - Google. 
  • The pace of Technology has escalated exponentially - from slide rule to electronic calculator to PC to iPhone and in less than 40 years.
  • Technology & People have changed: from closed/corporate-created Encyclopedia Britannica to open/volunteer-created Wikipedia in less than a generation. [the "Information Free-For-All"]
  • People have changed: they read differently now...tending to scan and look for small bullets of information rather than wading through paragraphs. 
  • The pace of People's lives has escalated: from multiple cars taking-kids-to-sports-events-and-lots-of-other-after-hours-activities to 5,000 advertising hits per day, [the "Attention-Getting Dilemma"...the "Attention Free-For-None"].

Yes, Leaders need to know their People are experiencing:

  1. an Information Free-For-All
  2. an Attention Free-For-None.
These are New Things [in the context of People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things].

People struggle with New Things.

Leaders are uniquely positioned to help People remove/reduce their struggles.

Helping People understand and handle the Information Free-For-All and the Attention Free-For-None situation as it applies to business, that's one way Leaders can get the People part right.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Change: Creating Positive Change | Leaders' Thoughts

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