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Thought Tweet #795.5

by Rick Baker
On Aug 2, 2013

Thought Tweet #795.5 Good News: you have an emotionally charged group of leaders. Now: how do you convert that energy to the positive?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When our ancestors first saw fire, the first things they saw and understood were destruction and danger. As time passed, as they became more thoughtful and more adventuresome, our ancestors learned the energy of fire could be harnessed and put to productive use. 

Harnessing energy and putting it to good use...that's the territory of leadership.

[So, when you see people blowing off steam at work recognize there is energy generating the steam. Energy is good. Energy does good when it is harnessed and properly directed. That's a thing of leadership.]


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Humour | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #795

by Rick Baker
On Aug 2, 2013

Thought Tweet #795 The Leader must set the overall Goals for the company. You know that. Do you do it?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The Leader must also set personal Goals....consistent with business Goals, Personal Values, and the Leader's Vivid Vision.  These Goals must be well-communicated to all followers. And, the Leader must lead by example.

And Actions speak louder than words. 

Teaching & Learning: Noble & Wicked Ways

by Rick Baker
On Aug 2, 2013

Who needs to learn?

Who do you think is in most need of learning...You? Others?

Who is going to do the teaching...You? Others?

How will the teaching and learning be done...In a noble way? In a wicked way? Perhaps you do not know. Perhaps the teaching and learning ways will be left to chance? Perhaps, they will just happen




People want to do better: people want to improve and make meaningful contributions.

Some take time to accept that statement; others know it but forget it from time to time.


Leaders' Thoughts | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.