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When should I delegate work to other people?

by Rick Baker
On Aug 23, 2013
  • When you reach a point in your business where you are juggling too many balls and you begin to drop them.
  • When you want to free yourself of work in areas that do not align with your strengths or which you do not enjoy.
  • When you want to free up your time to do money-making tasks [i.e., business development].
  • When you need to create free time to work on your business [i.e., strategic work]. 
  • When you want to reduce the amount of time you work [i.e., more free time].
  • When you want to leverage talents and create growth in your company.
  • When you want to ensure task back-up [for example, to protect the company and cover illness, etc.].
  • When you want to prepare your business for your exit strategy [i.e., succession planning].
  • When you want to reduce your stress level.
As you go about delegation, what should you consider?
Some ideas...
  • With the overall corporate best interest in mind - who is best skilled at doing the task?
  • Considering “bang for buck”: particularly, the impact on your key corporate goals - who is best skilled at doing the task?
  • Considering past practice involving similar tasks - who is best skilled at doing the task?
  • Considering your track record of delegating tasks - have you illustrated good practice? Good Habits? Bad Habits?

NOTE: in delegation of business tasks, one man’s trash isn’t generally another man’s treasure.

Rule of Thumb: good leaders do not assign tasks they have not performed or would not perform themselves.

Rule of Thumb [corollary]: leaders rarely assign unique tasks…so…Is this task unique? [If it is - step back and measure twice before you cut the wood.]

Consider employee’s [business savvy] growth and development…are you training the person for the future? [Or, are you simply downloading stress?]

Consider fairness: what amount of workload is already on the recipient employee’s plate, other staffs’ plates, and your plate?

Consider job-content satisfaction: are you providing your people the opportunity to perform diverse, interesting tasks? [Or, are you piling up repetitive, tedious, non-challenging tasks?]

Delegation; you have much to think about if you want to do it right!


Delegation & Decisions | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Succession

Thought Tweet #810

by Rick Baker
On Aug 23, 2013

Thought Tweet #810 What decision-making lesson do you learn from people who procrastinate or change their minds?


The Thinking Behind the Tweet

What comes first

Learning decision-making skills?

- or -

Teaching decision-making skills?

How do you feel when you procrastinate

How do you feel when other people procrastinate?

How do you feel when you reverse a decision you have made?

How do you feel when other people reverse decisions they have made?


Delegation & Decisions | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet 810.5

by Rick Baker
On Aug 23, 2013

Thought Tweet #810.5 What things affect a person's ability to be accountable in business?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

What criteria drive the need for accountability in business?

What things affect a person's ability to be accountable in business?

Many talk about the need for Accountability.

Few explain WHY? it is important; few explain HOW? it happens; few explain WHAT? things impact on the extent Accountability is important and whether or not Accountability happens.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.