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A Spirited Leaders scenario - #1

by Rick Baker
On Aug 4, 2013

You want to make some changes at work. Things are not terrible. On the other hand, things just aren’t clicking. Too much time being spent unproductively. Not enough money for the time spent.

So, you want to make some changes at work…to free up time…to increase cash.

You can free up some time to work on this. But, the way things are during your workday, that’s a hard thing to do. Time is one thing that always seems to be in short supply…time…and money.

What are your options?

You could get an injection of motivational education at one of those seminars. But, you won’t do that. That provides some feel good but it does not bring results. The motivation wears off before you get back to the office. And, it has no chance to spread to the people who really need it.

You could attend one of those 2-day educational programs. But, you won’t do that either. Those sessions are interesting for the first hour or so then they start to bore you with pre-set, role-playing exercises that do not work in real life. And, you certainly couldn’t justify wasting your people’s time at these sorts of sessions.

You could attend an education session designed by an entrepreneur for entrepreneurs. Not a book-length, dragged out, lesson-after-lesson thing. Just a set of 10 ideas, simple ideas, which you can quickly buy into and put to good use at your business.

Even if you only choose to put one good idea to use…that’s a start. Putting a new idea to good use: you know that’s the best way to make a positive change at work.

Get started. And, improve your business one good idea at a time.

One good idea…to free up time…to increase cash.

At the very least – one good idea…to free up time…to increase cash.

That’s what we promise.

That’s what we deliver.




Spirited Leaders

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.