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Thought Tweet #807.5

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2013

Thought Tweet #807.5 Anger is better than frustration because it contains some belief/optimism you can control the situation.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When we feel we cannot control a situation, it causes much discomfort. Frustration is a gnawing, spirit-killing feeling that often expands beyond a feeling to become a mood....an unpleasant mood.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

10 Reasons to Refuse To Delegate

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2013
  1. You believe “This task needs to be done perfectly and no one can do it as well as I can.” [perfectionism]
  2. You lack confidence in the employee's ability to do the task. [specific lack of trust in an individual's talents and skills]
  3. You lack the desire to take risks. [fear of failure]
  4. You are reluctant to delegate tasks you enjoy. [hoarding the good stuff, selfishness]
  5. You think "If the current process ain't broken then there's no need to fix it." [fear of change]
  6. You think, "Maybe they will not like me if I ask them to do this task?" [fear of criticism]
  7. You are afraid the employee will do it better than you can do it. [scarcity mentality, low self-confidence]
  8. You are concerned about sharing company systems or methods. [pervasive lack of trust, paranoia]
  9. When it comes to delegation, you have a lousy track record...many times burned, now shy. [still there, but resigned]
  10. Delegation - you know you've heard that word before...but, who wants to waste precious work-time exploring those sorts of things? [asleep at the wheel]



Delegation & Decisions

Thought Tweet #807

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2013

Thought Tweet #807 What's become of our leaders? And, isn't it time to make a deference?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I believe there was a time when it was common for leaders to be on the first horse, leading the charge.

I believe there was a time when it was common for leaders to be considered noble.

I believe people yearn for a deference.

I believe leaders will see the value in earning a deference.


Leaders' Thoughts | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Thought Tweets

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