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Thought Tweet #797.5

by Rick Baker
On Aug 6, 2013

Thought Tweet #797.5 "I'm too busy." When you say that you inject yourself with a dose of stress.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Your brain reacts when you say things like, "I'm too busy." and "I don't have time." When your brain hears you say things like that it, subconsciously, begins to work to help you out. Your brain knows time is a thing it cannot control. Your brain knows your body is a thing it can control. So, your brain works to control your body by providing it chemical and electrical changes to help it deal with the stress you are telling it you are under by saying things like, "I'm too busy." and "I don't have time." 

Self-stressing about time...now there's a destructive habit!

PS: Successful People Have More Time.

Thought Tweet #797

by Rick Baker
On Aug 6, 2013

Thought Tweet #797 Think back to the early years of your career. Does one of your first bosses glow fondly in your mind?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

What causes that fond glow in your memory…

·         A bit of praise: perhaps, you were brought front and centre to receive it?

·         Some helpful words, when you needed to hear them most?

·         Rolling up sleeves together, all hands on deck to tackle a tough job?

·         A joke, where the boss smiled as broadly as the rest of the group?

·         A listening pair of ears, when you needed to blow off some steam?


These are the glowing memories of the things bosses and mentors did for me…and I will never forget.

It is your time to create such memories.

The pulse of your business decisions: the beat goes on

by Rick Baker
On Aug 6, 2013

Consider the decisions made at your business:

  • Are decisions made quickly?
  • Do decisions receive attention and quality input from many people?
  • Are decisions understood and implemented successfully?

These are important areas:

  • the simplicity with which decisions can be made, 
  • the quality of input received prior to finalizing decisions, and 
  • the success rates for implementation of decisions.

If your leadership team scores high in these areas then your business will stand above most of your competitors. Your business will be fleet of foot. Your business will be thinking accurately and acting properly. Your business will be able to forecast, budget, and receive profitability. All of these things contribute to a best-in-class workplace and a sustainable approach to business.

Less than these things…that’s a signal warning about potential problems. And more often than not, the problems have passed through the potential stage and they are real – they are real problems.

Now, problems are a necessary ingredient if we want to make business our career. However, repeated problems are destined to ruin the business recipe. And, too many problems spoil the business meal.

So, there is value in stepping back and checking the pulse of your business decision-making.

Is it a healthy pulse? If so then you will find decisions are made relatively quickly.

Is it a strong pulse? If so then you will find your key people are pushing in the same directions as your decisions.

Is it a pulse that can withstand stress? If so you will find it is a variable pulse, able to hum away at methodical work and also able to ramp up when situations demand more. And, it is a pulse that complains rarely.

If your pulse is healthy, strong, and stress-resistant then your business beat goes on.

Desired results follow.


Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.