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Successful people have more time….sharing another thought

by Rick Baker
On Dec 8, 2010
Who is your biggest critic?
Who consumes a huge chunk of your time…day after day after day?
If you are like the vast majority of us then the answer is…
  • that nagging, incessant voice of dissatisfaction in your head
  • that little voice which, for most of us, sounds like our own voice and seems to talk at us from a place just inside our heads behind the base of our nose
That little voice keeps rehashing our past errors and reminds us of past difficulties. That little voice repeats and repeats would’a’, could’a’, should’a’ and that little voice never runs out of topics to talk about.
That little voice keeps telling us we must worry about future problems.
That little voice talks on with unwavering insistence in its ability to predict the future…I mean, predicting the negatives that will visit us in the future: the problems, the difficulties and the what ifs.
We listen to that negative-chatterbox voice…it is so tough to ignore it.
We let it mess up our concentration during the daytime.
We let it mess up our sleep at night.
We let that little voice consume huge amounts of our time.
To the extent you can quiet that little voice you will be more successful and you will have more time.

Sales Tweet #103

by Rick Baker
On Dec 8, 2010
Sales Tweet #103 Finding Clients for your Clients...that's one way to ease your collection of A/Rs.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Here’s the logic: Assume you find a very good Client for your Client…2 things will happen. (1) Your Client will appreciate you more and, all else being equal; your Client will be more inclined to pay you on time. (2) Since the Client you provided to your Client is a very good Client it/he/she will pay your Client on time and your Client will then have more money to pay you. So, finding Clients for your Clients is a win-win-win…not just in relationships but in cash flow.


Sales | Thought Tweets

How can you be sure your company delivers Value to its Clients?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 7, 2010
You can prove you have delivered Value to Clients when…
  1. You can list the Clients’ Clients you have provided to your Clients
  2. You can list the Clients your Clients have voluntarily provided to you
  3. You can list the Testimonials your Clients have voluntarily provided to you
  4. You can confirm statistically-significant growth of “Buzz” about your company
  5. You can confirm statistically-significant growth of your Social Media stats (ex, website action)


Clients' Clients Philosophy | Leaders' Thoughts

Sales Tweet #102

by Rick Baker
On Dec 7, 2010
Sales Tweet #102 Don't forget 6 degrees of separation. You can connect with almost anyone.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
LinkedIn is a great tool. Through LinkedIn you can: keep in touch and keep track of colleagues, re-connect with colleagues from former jobs, communicate with groups of like-minded people, find experts, find new connections, ask questions, learn what questions other people are asking, answer questions…etc.


Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #101

by Rick Baker
On Dec 6, 2010
Sales Tweet #101 Ernest Seller loves that Thought Post called ‘Procrastinate For Success’. His big arms embrace it.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Of course, that doesn’t mean Ernest read the Thought Post. Ernest has no time to read. He did way too much of that while he was in school.

A friend mentioned 'Procrastinate For Success' and Ernest's nimble mind jumped all over it. In fact, he sees himself as a Master of procrastination. Been doing it all his life. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow…or next week, or next month…or…


Thought Tweets | Ernest Seller

Sales Tweet #100

by Rick Baker
On Dec 3, 2010
Sales Tweet #100 What do the purchasing people at your company do with all the brochures they get from sales people?
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
3 points here: (1) In general: Sales people can learn from Purchasing people and vice-versa…so, we should encourage them to talk and help one another. (2) Specifically: Maybe your Purchasing people will be able to guide your Sales and Marketing people about brochures and how they help or do not help the Sales process. (3) About brochures and handouts: we must not assume they contain value for our Clients and Probable Clients – we must prove it and we must revisit that proof frequently to make sure our written sales-support ‘tools’ have not become stale dated.


Sales | Thought Tweets

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