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Thought Tweet #827.5

by Rick Baker
On Sep 17, 2013

Thought Tweet #827.5 Take your big treasure chest of Curiosity off the shelf...dust it off...open it up...and put its contents to good use.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

At one time, you were an incessantly curious and creative person. You were chock full of curiosity. Over the years and through the criticism, you've locked much of your curiosity away...right beside your childhood dreams...and near your adolescent dreams.

Choose to take your big treasure chest of Curiosity off the shelf.


Beyond Business | Curiosity - Invention, Innovation & Creativity | Thought Tweets

Some people resist working towards goals...Why?

by Rick Baker
On Sep 17, 2013

Why do some people resist achieving goals?

I don't mean, Why do people fail to achieve goals?

I mean, Why do people intentionally fail to achieve goals?

Are those people:

  • expressing objections to authority...i.e., are they working to rule?
  • attempting to build job security...by ensuring a queue of work?
  • children seeking long-lost parental controls?
  • permanently soured on work?
  • thinking "Damn the Rich...this one's for Me!"?
What goes through people's heads when they know what their employer wants them to do, are capable of doing it, yet refuse to do so?
What can we do to help those people feel comfortable exploring middle ground?
What questions can we ask to gain a better understanding of what might motivate those people?
What actions can we take to spark their enthusiasm for a job well done?


Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

Thought Tweet #827

by Rick Baker
On Sep 17, 2013

Thought Tweet #827 Good followers want to vent their strengths. And you want to see strength in action...am I right!


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Good followers want their talents, knowledge, and skills to be linked to opportunities

Good followers expect their leaders to generate those opportunities.



Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

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