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Thought Tweet #837.5

by Rick Baker
On Oct 1, 2013

Thought Tweet #837.5 Good risk managers are allergic to mediocre leaders [and vice-versa].


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Behind every great leader there is a great risk manager. It has always been that way. Now, more than ever risk management is an essential leadership priority. Risk management is an elite business function, intimately intertwined with strategic thinking.


Humour | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Failure To Perform- WHY?

by Rick Baker
On Oct 1, 2013

Often, people don't do tasks because they don't know how.

In other words, they lack knowledge or skill that is required to be competent at the task.

In other situations, people are competent but, regardless, they don't do the tasks.

There are many reasons why people fail to perform tasks.

Here are some of the reasons:

  • they don't like the task 
  • they don't think the task is important 
  • they don't feel appreciated
  • they don't feel their co-workers are supportive 
  • they don't like the boss
All of these things are flavoured with bad attitude. That is - all of these things could be remedied quickly if people adjust the way they think and feel about work [and prior to that, the way they think about themselves]. There are several ways to improve attitude: focus on talents & strengths, taking talent to task; communicate values & shared values; communicate visions of a better future; communicate the importance of all roles & tasks.
Here are some more reasons:
  • they are lost in work-multi-tasking 
  • they are work-distracted
  • they are work-stressed
All of these things contain an element of bad process...individual's bad work process and, more often than not, a work-culture of contagious bad work process. There are several ways to replace bad work process with good work process: apply the 80/20 Rule, shaving off bad-work-process fat; systematize routine-work tasks & work-task strings [automated processes]; teach time/self-management; adjust work environments to enable focus & concentration.

Thought Tweet #837

by Rick Baker
On Oct 1, 2013

Thought Tweet #837 Values are deeply-held beliefs...some about means and some about ends.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some Values are about Means - they answer, How Should Actions Be Done?

Some Values are about Ends - they answer, What Outcomes Are Desired?

All Values are wrapped around Explanations of Why!


Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

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