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Thought Tweet #826.5

by Rick Baker
On Sep 16, 2013

Thought Tweet #826.5 We are problem specialists, each of us able to attract an ongoing series of a certain type of problem.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Many of us don't see the problems coming let alone see we are the specialists who create them, with the huge capacity of help delivered by our unique talent shortfalls in certain areas. 


Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Finding & Keeping Top-Notch People - some questions

by Rick Baker
On Sep 16, 2013

Some questions to consider…

  • What’s your most-successful recruiting technique?
  • What 3 words would you use to sum up your best younger person?
  • When it comes to recruiting, what’s changed in the last 10 years?
  • Training leaders & managers: how do you go about that?
  • Do younger people have an attitude of ‘entitlement’?
  • Do you take special actions to take care of your best people? If so, what actions?
  • Can you influence your people’s loyalty? If so, how?



Leaders' Thoughts | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

Thought Tweet #826

by Rick Baker
On Sep 16, 2013

Thought Tweet #826 Focused effort becomes contagious. You want to make effort contagious...am I right!


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When intelligent followers know the vision and see a leader illustrate willpower and self-control to achieve that vision, they emulate that skill. 

Leaders succeed when they act in ways that illustrate intelligence, self-control, and focused drive.



Influencing | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.