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Thought Tweet #825

by Rick Baker
On Sep 13, 2013

Thought Tweet #825 All great leaders are driven to create change and magnetize the minds and actions of other people.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

All great leaders are driven to construction


Change: Creating Positive Change | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #825.5

by Rick Baker
On Sep 13, 2013

Thought Tweet #825.5 It isn't about who you are. It's about what you do and whether or not other people understand why you do what you do.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When people understand you they judge you more accurately...and - won't that be a good thing?


Change: Creating Positive Change | Communication: Improving Communication | Thought Tweets

Delegation - some questions

by Rick Baker
On Sep 13, 2013

About “Delegation”… some questions to consider:


 To what extent do we want to delegate?

o   What’s our natural inclination?

o   About our experiences  […the best of times…the worst of times]

o   What makes us feel comfortable when we are delegating?

o   What makes us feel uncomfortable when we are delegating?


When we delegate – What are the best practices?

o   Do we set & communicate guidelines or rules for delegation?...if so, How?

o   What’s the #1 thing we have learned about delegation?

o   How do we help others feel comfortable when we delegate?

o   How do we maximize accountability when we delegate?

o   How do we use delegation to influence behaviour?

o   How do we use delegation to develop people? 

o   How do we use delegation to develop teamwork?


Delegation & Decisions | Leaders' Thoughts | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

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