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Thought Tweet #830

by Rick Baker
On Sep 20, 2013

Thought Tweet #830 Continuously driving to deliver value to other people is important because it energizes people.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Continuously driving to deliver value to other people is important because it energizes people by providing quality shareholder experiences, quality employment experiences, quality purchasing and payment experiences, quality sales and collection experiences and all of these quality experiences are taken home to families at the end of the workday. Quality experiences spread. Quality experiences are contagious.


Entrepreneur Thinking | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #830.5

by Rick Baker
On Sep 20, 2013

Thought Tweet #830.5 If you are going to teach someone, first find out what they believe they already know.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Far too often, we jump into teaching. Far too often, we assume others do not know what we know. 

Far too often, we conclude others are doing things poorly or incorrectly because they don't know what we know.

More often than not, we waste time and 'make work' when we assume and conclude others don't know what we know.

We can remedy this by asking simple questions before we give instructions and lessons.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.