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Thought Tweet #831.5

by Rick Baker
On Sep 23, 2013

Thought Tweet #831.5 Bad apples don't have to spoil your trust...don't let bad apples sour your trust in people.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Without trust relationships are shallow and weak.

Don't let people's actions sour your trust.

Start With Self. On top of all the self-things I have written over the years, I'm adding self-trust.

We judge others by their actions; we judge ourselves by our intentions. We blame situations for our failures: we blame other people for their failures. We give credit to ourselves when we succeed: we give credit to their situations when other people succeed. (Attribution Bias)

Those are our tendencies.

Let's not allow those tendencies to draw too much of our attention to the bad apples.



Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Thought Tweet #831

by Rick Baker
On Sep 23, 2013

Thought Tweet #831 Allies will help you build your business. Work to choose allies. And choose your allies carefully.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And, work to build relationships with your allies. Work to understand their interests, their desires, and their needs. Work to find middle ground and opportunities that satisfies your needs and your allies' needs.



Entrepreneur Thinking | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

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