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Thinking about situations... before they happen

by Rick Baker
On Jan 10, 2014

Few, if any, can predict the future.

Many, if not most, think and act like they can influence the future.

What do you think?

Do you think about situations before they happen?

If you do, are they generally pleasant situations or unpleasant situations?

Either way, what's that tell you?

Either way, do you commit to taking certain actions to do what you can to bring the situation about or do what you can to ensure the situation does not happen?

Do you set goals?

If so, when you set goals do you have certain future situations imaged in your mind's eye?

Do you plan your actions?

If so, when you plan your actions do you have certain future situations imaged in your mind's eye?

Do you try to influence people?

If so, when you try to influence people do you have certain future situations imaged in your mind's eye?

If so, do you wonder what future situations those people have imaged in their minds' eyes?

If so, do you ask those people about their minds' eyes pictures?

If not, how likely is it you will bring about the future situations you imagine?

Thought Tweet #910

by Rick Baker
On Jan 10, 2014

Thought Tweet #910 I now know constructive criticism is an oxymoron. So how do you recommend we go about doing performance reviews?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Do you derive pleasure out of criticizing others? If so, don't read on...

So, you do not derive pleasure out of criticizing others. So, why do you continue to do it? It is never constructive. If you don't believe this ask your boss or your spouse or one of your friends to surprise you when you least expect it with some criticism. When they lay the surprise criticism on you observe how you react...your emotions/feelings/actions. 

If that doesn't work ask your boss or your partners to give you some criticism at your next performance review.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.