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Seeking Simple & The Power of 3

by Rick Baker
On Jan 6, 2014

Seeking Simple is a good habit.

This applies on many fronts, as examples:

  • seeking simple ways to communicate with people, 
  • seeking simple ways to build things, & 
  • seeking simple ways to solve problems.
Some things we do are simple, some are complicated, & some are complex.
All else being equal:
  • Simple things take the least amount of time and energy to complete,
  • Complicated things take more time and energy to complete, & 
  • Complex things take the most time and energy to complete.
Each of us has a limited amount of energy. 
So, it makes sense, at least from time to time and more often when possible, to simplify things.
Here are two examples:
Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations.
People Do Only 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things.
When we use simple guidelines like these we focus on what's most important in business...People, Processes, Habits, and the effect Situations have on behaviour. Certainly, we could make business and people much more complicated. However, that would add little value to improve our businesses or improve our interpersonal relationships.
When we want to make improvements in business and interpersonal relationships it is best to Seek Simple first. More often than not that's where the best solutions will be found.
If we seek simple solutions first, we find them.
If we don't seek simple solutions first, we don't find them.
PS: About New Things...it is interesting to note how rarely people do New Things. People truly are creatures of Habit. If we want to understand People, we must understand the special power habits hold over human behaviour. 

Thought Tweet #906

by Rick Baker
On Jan 6, 2014

Thought Tweet #906 Leaders inspire people; managers discipline processes; leaders construct situations; managers perform in situations.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Leaders inspire people and influence actions to grow value.

Managers design details and ensure they are performed.

Leaders inspire people, inspire good process, and anticipate, construct & excel in specific situations.

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.