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Mistakes I have made buying and selling businesses

by Rick Baker
On Jul 18, 2012
Mistakes I've experienced, buying and selling businesses, more or less ranked in order from excruciating to awfully painful:
  1. Ignoring gut feel
  2. Not correcting over-valuation immediately 
  3. Believing accounting data & reports 
  4. Setting the wrong time expectations 
  5. Taking it personal
  6. Not getting to know key suppliers
  7. Not getting to know key clients
  8. Not getting to know key personnel
  9. Underestimating the cost to correct flawed operating systems
  10. Too much focus on EBITDA, not enough on cash flow
Now, I am committed to learning from my mistakes and helping others avoid some of the hardest knocks.


Entrepreneur Thinking

A New Wave of Sales Philosophy...or is it?

by Rick Baker
On Jul 17, 2012

During a conversation last week, I mentioned I had been studying sales performance at a number of companies.

During the last 15 years, many B2B enterprises have experienced difficulties with sales. For some, the tech meltdown about 12 years ago caused major changes which neutered their sales performance. For most, the worldwide economic meltdown which began about 4 years ago and still lingers on as [at least] the tail of a recession shook sales performance to its core.

It is time for better sales performance, better results in the near-term and growing results as the future unfolds.

All of us who run B2B enterprises should be working on this.

As part of my effort, for small to mid-sized B2B enterprises, I have been considering 4 main questions:

  1. Does a Sales System - that is - does a process containing specific steps and routes - when followed, lead to sales success? 
  2. If the answer to #1 is 'Yes' then can a wide range of people be trained to follow those steps, or, are only certain types of people able to learn how to succeed?
  3. If the answer to #1 is 'Yes' then is that the only way to succeed?
  4. Have the steps/routes changed in response to technological developments commonly known as social media?
My conclusions:
  1. Yes - more than ever it is essential to have a sales system. Also, more than ever it is important for your sales system to reflect and be a sub-set of your overall business premises, philosophies, vision, values, mission, rules, goals, & measurements. This must be your CEO commitment and part of your company mandate.
  2. Yes...to a degree...most sales people can improve their performance if they adhere to their company's sales system. However, that Yes only applies if the company's sales system is 'integrated' as introduced in Conclusion #1. Also, it only applies if the sales system receives an ongoing stream or premises/insights to fuel the salespeople's efforts. And, of course, some salespeople will be far better performers than others. Providing food for sales-process thought must be a company mandate.
  3. Yes - sometimes the sales system is not formalized, housed in a single brain or a few brains...we see that in successful entrepreneurial start-ups. We see that when entrepreneurs lead with revenue. However, soon, as staff are added, the sales system must be formalized and it must be taught. Teaching sales process must be a company mandate.
  4. Yes - the most important change is the increased difficulty in capturing and keeping clients' attention...at the outset of the sales process and throughout the sales process.


Leaders' Thoughts | Marketing | Sales

Thought Tweet #522

by Rick Baker
On Jul 17, 2012

Thought Tweet #522 Leaders must #1 listen so people talk and #2 talk so people listen.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Marketers and Salespeople must be able to do this too...and co-workers must do it...and committee workers...and teachers...parents...spouses...


Communication: Improving Communication | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #521

by Rick Baker
On Jul 16, 2012

Thought Tweet #521 Two ways to excel at Sales: #1 truly like & enjoy people and #2 truly understand people.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

It seems to me most sales training and most sales systems don't put enough emphasis #1. 


Sales | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #520

by Rick Baker
On Jul 13, 2012

Thought Tweet #520 If you are uncomfortable with your work, that's contagious. If you enjoy your work, that's contagious.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

What type of attitude are you spreading?

How much is your attitude affecting the people you work with?

Are you inspiring people & growing profits?

Repeating business errors: defying common sense

by Rick Baker
On Jul 12, 2012

If you see too many errors and repeated errors in your workplace, there likely are several causes at play...

  • information overload, overwhelmed & overworked feelings
  • poor communication, mixed-up & unclear messages
  • weak processes, insufficient discipline & misunderstanding of work steps 
  • unclear goals or lack of goals
  • lack of confidence in your company's ability to succeed
If you believe there are too many errors at your workplace then set aside time to fix that problem: some suggestions -
  • consider apparent causes...but also dig deeper to find root causes: most people have difficulty identifying the true causes of their errors and need help to get over their 'error filters'
  • consider individuals...but, of more importance, consider the various situations around the errors
  • good process helps people, so, remove ambiguity around routine aspects of work: as examples - have clear role descriptions, clear goals, clear & regular performance reviews
  • create a system for handling e-mail and phone communication...set some best-practice guidelines
  • create a system for problem solving: for example, P=2S+O
  • be clear about your expectations of accountability and follow-up regularly, implementing consequences
  • lead by example...make personal changes to illustrate you are serious...show the standard you desire to see in others


Change: Creating Positive Change | Leaders' Thoughts

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