by Rick Baker
On Nov 18, 2013
Thought Tweet #871 In pre-historic times people who didn't listen got they are able to roam the streets and work in offices.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Could it be 21st Century predators are a forgiving lot of creatures?
Could it be Darwin was wrong?
...survival of the fittest? ... or was it survival of the most adaptable? ... or is it survival of the least able to listen?
Assuming evolution is an accurate theory - and I'm not so sure about that any more - How many generations will it take for human ears to shrink and disappear through lack of use?
by Rick Baker
On Nov 15, 2013
Thought Tweet #870 5 reasons to listen: (1) to respond, (2) to act, (3) to understand, (4) because it's your job, & (5) because you like people.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Most people listen poorly.
It's reciprocal: people don't listen to them so they return the disfavour.
Then there's this pent up ego demand to express thoughts rather than listen to them.
If we don't relearn how to listen evolution is going to adapt our ears into oblivion.
[One drawback of civilization: people who don't listen no longer get eaten by predators.]
by Rick Baker
On Oct 29, 2013
Thought Tweet #857.5 Strange as it may seem, people shut down when they know you will put down their ideas.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Try putting an end to receiving input then vetoing ideas and shutting people down.
Even better, try putting an end to asking for input then vetoing ideas and shutting people down...that one really burns people.