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Thought Tweet #841

by Rick Baker
On Oct 7, 2013

Thought Tweet #841 Major achievements flow in the wake of small wins.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sometimes we find ourselves marveling in the overnight success enjoyed by people and businesses. Sometimes we feel a little twinge of jealousy, wondering why this doesn't happen to us. Sometimes we waste our breath talking about the fortuitousness of this or that person or endeavour.

When we find ourselves tempted to think or talk along those lines we should pinch ourselves. As we wince under our own pinch we should remember major achievements flow in the wake of a series of small wins. Remember, the Beatles paid their dues, for years, in small clubs in Hamburg, Germany before they splashed onto the worldwide music scene. And, hobbyists played with backyard rockets long before NASA put men in lunar modules on the surface of the moon. And Beethoven learned his craft from taskmasters.


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