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Thought Tweet #843

by Rick Baker
On Oct 9, 2013

Thought Tweet #843 Self-Improvement happens when mind-sets come to aid skill-sets.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people embrace life-long learning. Those people become the best leaders. They tend to understand their talents & strengths. They tend to apply their brainpower to focused work-tasks. That allows them to build skill-sets and master work-tasks. They take talent to task. They bolster that talent with knowledge, thinking, and practiced-skills.

Popeye said, "I am what I am" but in the end he always ate his spinach.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 9, 2013

Really, I don't want to get too philosophical about Popeye....although, I must admit, he possessed a unique character well worth the time and effort of concerted philosophical exploration.


I first met Popeye via black-and-white TV when I was a young [and possibly impressionable] child. From the get-go, Popeye annoyed me. It seemed to me he wasn't very bright. He tolerated all that Brutus-abuse for no good reason at all. While he was a man of questionable vigor and fighting ability he knew he had a secret weapon...that can of yucky cooked spinach...that yucky spinach that made him invincible. He had the tool right there with him. Yet, episode after episode Popeye refused to eat his spinach until the very last minute...placing me in a situation where I was perilously close to failing to make it back to school before the bell.

So, I grew up perceiving Popeye as:

  • A rather weak-minded fellow...yet, his "I am what I am" confirms he had a level of self-knowledge and a grounding for an at-least-somewhat pleasing personality.
  • An obstinate character, the kind of person who ignores that excellent Mary Poppins' spoonful-of-sugar-helps-the-medicine-go-down advice [in Popeye's case...helps the spinach go down]...yet, at the end of the day, a guy who does his best and gets the job done
  • A loveable guy who was doomed to struggle through each and every battle.
To this day, and defying all logic, I like cooked spinach!
[I must remember to bring some cans of it to work.]


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