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Communication tip: If there's no two ways about it, it isn't good conversation.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 22, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Well...it's an idiom wrapped up in an aphorism wrapped up in a bit of truism.

Communication works best when at least two people are engaged in it.


Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

Communication tip: If you want to be a leader in your industry sector, return phone calls and respond to e-mail.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 22, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Successful people seem to have more time. Also, with the current trend of slackening business etiquette, returning phone calls and responding to e-mail will be a differential advantage.

Why not take the lead...in a return to common courtesy, improved communication, and real relationships.


Communication: Improving Communication | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Communication tip: Gather specks of agreement...make a molehill...and use it to construct a mountain of agreement.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 22, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Constructive criticism is an oxymoron. Rather than be critical of other folks...focus on the areas of agreement. Build on those areas. Help people feel comfortable. Change is only constructive when people are comfortable

2 Communication tips: Learn how to listen so people talk & Learn how to talk so people listen.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 22, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

'How To Talk So People Listen', that's the title of a book written by Sonya Hamlin in 2006.

How To Listen So People Talk...well, that's in the territory of the art of asking good questions


Communication: Improving Communication | Thought Tweets

From Concept to Action

by Rick Baker
On Aug 22, 2014

At the conceptual level: identifying patterns, identifying constraints, identifying variables, estimating the extent of scope in flux, and preparing for ambiguities.

At the detailed level: bringing talents to task, setting simple task-processes, following checklists, and coordinating complicated linkages between processes.

At the communication level: ensuring both message delivery and message receipt, expressing differences, taking the time to address and remove gaps, raising the flag on problems, and influencing in a positive way other people's actions.

At the action level: executing, evaluating, and evolving.


Communication: Improving Communication | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

Communication tip: Knowledge backfires when it is controlled by the mouth.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 22, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Selling, for example, has little to do with the technical things you know and/or can talk about. As time goes on, sales people learn more and more about the product/service they sell. Human nature being what it is they cannot resist sharing with prospects all the technical stuff they know. As they do this, they talk too much and listen too little. They educate the customers. The customers applaud. But, the Sale does not happen.

[And whether or not your job is in sales your life is laced with “selling”.]


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

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