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In pre-historic times people who didn't listen got eaten...now they are able to roam the streets and work in offices.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 29, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Could it be 21st Century predators are a forgiving lot of creatures?

Could it be Darwin was wrong?

...survival of the fittest? ... or was it survival of the most adaptable? ... or is it survival of the least able to listen?

Assuming evolution is an accurate theory - and I'm not so sure about that any more - How many generations will it take for human ears to shrink and disappear through lack of use?


Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

Communication tip: Strange as it may seem, people shut down when they know you will put down their ideas.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 28, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Try putting an end to receiving input then vetoing ideas and shutting people down.

Even better, try putting an end to asking for input then vetoing ideas and shutting people down...that one really burns people.



Communication tip: Stand down, Step up, Shut up & Listen.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 28, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Stand down - military folks say that when they want someone to relax or stop being aggressive.

Step up - regular folks say that when they want someone to get to a better place by doing something significant.

Listen - everyone says that more than they do it.

[Shut up needs no further explanation.]


Communication: Improving Communication | Thought Tweets

When you criticize people you trigger their 'No' responses....and, at that point, constructive communication is over.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 28, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When 'No' thoughts are filling the brain there is little room for 'Yes" thoughts. In fact, chances are 'No' and 'Yes' thoughts will not want to occupy the brain at the same time. They would rather take turns. And, for most people the 'No' thoughts are much more sticky. When they find their way into people's brains they stick there until they run out of reasons to defend and bolster the ego.

While 'No' thoughts are sticking around the brain, working away to defend and bolster the ego there is little, if any, opportunity for constructive communication...particularly communication involving the person who triggers the 'No' response.

Communication tip: If you cannot be interested at least be interesting.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 28, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Seek first to be interested and to understand. If you cannot handle that maybe you can compensate by being entertaining...or, at least, interesting.

Stephen Covey - Seek First To Understand.

Perhaps people will warm up to you and remember you if you seek first to understand them?

That's consistent with Dale Carnegie's teaching.

If you cannot bring yourself to be truly interested in understanding other people then your opportunities for influencing them drop significantly. You may be able to squeeze in some opportunities by:


  • being interesting...attention-getting, magnetic...those sorts of things
  • being entertaining...like a motivational speaker or a magician or a clown act


Communication: Improving Communication | Thought Tweets

Communication question: When people tell you they are giving 110%, don’t ya just hate those superduperlatives?

by Rick Baker
On Aug 27, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When I was a child, neighbourhood parents had a habit of stopping me and asking me to answer math questions. [At one point I thought none of the adults in our subdivision knew how to count their money.] I suppose I was naturally talented at math. Later in life I found myself answering math questions during university level exams...dozens of exams. So, I understand I developed a habit of knowing math.

That knowledge of math has a few side-effects. One side-effect is, when people make claims like they are doing things beyond 100% it catches my attention and my thoughts. I have thoughts like, "Don't these people know when you've got 100% you've got it all & when you've given 100% you've given it all?

Giving 100% is superlative territory....that's the limit of your giving.

Giving more than 100% - well, that's defying the laws of at least mathematics...probably, the laws of physics...and possibly even the Laws of Nature.

How can you trust a person who makes claims like, "Boss - I'm giving 110%!"? [Some go even higher. You hear 150% regularly and some people have the habit of claiming a preposterous 1000%!]

Don't you think all of these people going overboard?...being excessive?...being exorbitant?...over-killing their point and beating it to death too?


Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

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