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About prospecting for Clients

by Rick Baker
On Dec 21, 2012

When you finally present stuff to a prospective client, the goal is:

To help the probable client want to hear more from you and see more of you...and only you.

Some tips on how to get that done: 

  • Get to the point - when it comes to words that influence, less is better
  • Touch the emotions - don't let 10  minutes pass without at least one touch
  • Hasten the pace - use simple, ear-friendly words and speak a little faster than average
  • Enjoy the flow - of more importance, help the Prospect enjoy an easy-to-follow flow of information
  • Be [your unique] yourself - let your talents & strengths shine through
  • Offer insight - be clear as you convey the unique value you deliver to your Ideal Clients 
The bottom line...

When you finally present stuff to a prospective client, the goal is to help the probable client want to hear more from you and see more of you...and only you.


Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Influencing | Sales

So you think you have INSIGHT...

by Rick Baker
On Dec 18, 2012

Entrepreneurs have deal-doing insight.

Good salespeople have deal-doing Insight, which can be defined as:

  • a natural, deep capacity to understand people and situations,
  • a tuned intuition that identifies patterns & trends, and
  • an ability to see gaps and know ways to fill them.

True entrepreneurs and salespeople possess a set of natural talents that work together to create insight strength.

As one example:

Consider Ideation and Intellection...the ability to imagine ideas and the ability to think about and understand ideas. These are two distinct aspects of Talent: that is, to a degree they can be viewed as distinct. Ideation and Intellection are 'intertwined'. Many people tend to be 'set' in one mode or the other. As a result - few people possess the ability to shut off Intellection in order to free up Ideation. Few people possess the ability to set aside judgment and replace it with open-mindedness or free-flowing creativity. Indeed, very few people can switch back and forth between Ideation and Intellection. Most people get stuck in thought ruts...thought habits.

Q: Can a person develop Insight Strength?

A: Absolutely - Yes!

Here's a great way to start - read some of Edward de Bono's work.

Applaud curiosity.

Spend more time with inwords.

Remember - deal-doing insight can be converted into fortunes. 

Thought Tweet #630

by Rick Baker
On Dec 14, 2012

Thought Tweet #630 With the pressing of all those buttons, the 30-Second Elevator Speech is going down.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As you no doubt have noticed, there's been quite a bit of growth in the area of social media. This is impacting on good-old-fashioned sales work. The sales gurus are now recommending a 17 or 18 second Elevator Speech [AKA - 30-Second Commercial...or, should I say 17- or 18-Second Commercial?].

I favour shrinking the Elevator Speech to zero and, if and when the time is right to sense & catch attention, using words less canned and more natural.


Humour | Sales | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #619

by Rick Baker
On Nov 29, 2012

Thought Tweet #619 The need for clear differential advantage and crisp value propositions is increasing.


The Thinking  Behind The Tweet

Social media has created a huge volume of information - available and accessible to buyers. And, buyers do their homework. They can sift the chaff of lame marketing and sales thoughts with the blink of a mouse or keypad.

Social media has created a huge volume of information - available and accessible to strategists and marketers. And, it can overwhelm strategists and marketers. Time to get back to the "PQS basics".


Marketing | Sales | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #615

by Rick Baker
On Nov 23, 2012

Thought Tweet #615 Marketing is about knowing client needs, discovering insights, & 'packaging' help.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sales is about persuasive people interactions, listening, confirming needs, & closing.


Marketing | Sales | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #603

by Rick Baker
On Nov 7, 2012

Thought Tweet #603 Solving Problems: that's the essence of growing relationships with clients and growing business.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Problems are the seeds that allow opportunities to flower. And, when problems are solved the results are things of beauty and value. And, from the customers' shoes, providing value is the only reason your business exists.


Sales | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.