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There are 3 types of business development

by Rick Baker
On Nov 25, 2010
There are 3 ways to do and grow business:
  1. through relationships with Friends
  2. through Conceptual ‘meeting of the minds’
  3. through Traditional methods…prospecting, qualifying, closing
Here are some details…
Developing business through Friends
Throughout our business careers we develop relationships with friends and allies. They know us. We know them. They know what we can do. We know what they can do. Strong bonds of trust lead to strong relationships.
From time to time an idea hits us – this looks like a win-win deal for my Friend and me. Or, a similar idea hits one of our Friends. That’s how we grow business through relationships with Friends. Put another way: we have strong links with people whom we consider to be Friends. These close links last for years. Relationships are solid. Interactions can be frequent. Or, they may slip. Strong relationships survive separation. So, when we are reunited with Friends the relationship resumes quickly, often more or less as it was the last time we interacted. To the extent business deals make sense, since trust is strong deals can be done quickly.
Developing business through Conceptual ‘meeting of the minds’
Through weak links we are either directly or indirectly connected to a huge number of people. Consider the people who work at your company. Consider all the people you have met in your industry sector. Consider 1st and 2nd level connections under LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
From time to time an idea hits us…maybe we could do a deal with one of our weak-link connections. Or, maybe the idea hits one of those people and they contact us. I call these ideas faint signals…signals that register….signals worth a call. To the extent these faint signals prove to be good business ideas – win-win deals for both parties – they turn into Conceptual deals. That’s how we grow business through Conceptual ‘meeting of the minds’.
Developing business through Traditional methods
When we have no business-development ideas involving strong links [Friends] or weak links [Conceptual] we must resort to Traditional methods.
Traditional Methods are in a state of major transition. This is primarily due to [what I call] global commoditization.
Put another way: to succeed at Traditional sales…we can not use good-old-fashioned sales process. Old methods rarely work. Cute tricks like comedic phone messages and clever packages are of short-term, if any, value. Focus on what is working, focus on your bright lights.
The Bottom Line
Build real relationships with Friends, keep an open mind for new connections, pay attention to faint signals to maximize Conceptual sales, focus on bright lights, and develop winning approaches for Traditional sales.



Think About Your Clients’ Clients

by Rick Baker
On Nov 24, 2010
How much time do you spend thinking about your Client’s Client?
Whatever the amount…that’s time well spent.
Most of us spend much time thinking about our Clients.
We ask ourselves questions like:
  • What’s our Target Market?
  • What Value does that Target Market need and seek?
  • What do we do to satisfy that need?
Often, we get so tied up in the details of market niching and market differentiating we miss the obvious.
Often, we miss the thing every one of our Clients want.
Our Clients want more Clients.
Your Clients want more Clients.
So, we should set aside some time to think about our Clients’ Clients.
Thinking about individual Clients, one by one, you can ask yourself questions, including:
  • Who do I know who would like to be a Client of my Client?
  • How can I set up a meeting between my Client and a probable Client for my Client?
  • What does my Client need to do to attract more Clients?...How may I help?
  • How does my product or service mesh with my Client getting more Clients?...Be specific.
  • Am I LinkedIn with probable Clients for my Clients?
  • Are my LinkedIn friends connected to probable Clients for my Clients?
Ask yourself the questions.
Then act.


Clients' Clients Philosophy | Marketing | Sales

Sales Tweet #92

by Rick Baker
On Nov 23, 2010
Sales Tweet #92 Are you still trying to close that sale? Is your Persistence based on accurate thinking or denial?
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
When does persistence become the wrong thing to do?

There are differing views: we discussed this at the Thought Post called ‘The Eighth Step Toward Riches or The First Mental Trap

 When should the sales person draw the line…pull the plug?

Ideally, this should happen when two things align:

1. Your gut feel tells you ‘It is over.’
2. Your accurate thinking tells you ‘It is over.’

That’s much easier said than done.

But, like all other aspects of sales…it is a talent that can be learned & honed.


Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #89

by Rick Baker
On Nov 18, 2010
Sales Tweet #89 Who congratulates you when you achieve something noteworthy? There's a true friend and ally.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
The thought behind this Sales Tweet goes without saying.


Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #88

by Rick Baker
On Nov 17, 2010
Sales Tweet #88 Do you use ‘marker’ questions and comments to gauge your Probable Client’s interest?
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Direct questions and comments often annoy people. And, people with hidden agendas are skilled at evading direct questions and redirecting conversations.

When trust is strong ‘markers’ are not required and they should be few and far between.

When relationships have not existed long enough to confirm trust is strong ‘markers’ are one way of gaining an understanding of the other person’s thoughts and desires.

When you know relationships are strained or when Client information is guarded ‘markers’ may be the only successful communication strategy.


Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #86

by Rick Baker
On Nov 15, 2010
Sales Tweet #86 Free up some time by having a pre-set process for dealing with problems. See P=2S+O www.activestor.ca
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Another piece of free up some time advice…
Many people waste a huge amount of time worrying about and even agonizing over problems.
Business life is laced with problems…some small, some not-so-small.
So, it makes sense to have a ready-to-use system for addressing problems.
This provides many benefits…but, here, we will only mention 3:
• It ensures time is not wasted thinking about how to go about addressing the problem
• It forces a solution orientation…i.e., positivity trumps worry
• It builds confidence
That’s why we created P=2S+O©

A link to P=2S+O©


Sales | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

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