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Thought Tweet #778.5

by Rick Baker
On Jul 10, 2013

Thought Tweet #778.5 I didn't see the financial meltdown coming. I didn't see the economic recession coming. I do see some things now...

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Having been through those challenges, and rethinking business, I have a better picture of what we need to do to protect our businesses. I know business leaders need to inject Maker-thinking into their business. And, they need to do more good-old-fashioned testing of ideas...that's the entrepreneur-proven route to innovation.

Canadian leaders need to stop avoiding people problems and come up with better ways to remedy them.

Canadian leaders need to start matching talents with tasks.



Leaders' Thoughts | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #778

by Rick Baker
On Jul 10, 2013

Thought Tweet #778 Crystallize your thoughts & desires...be clear about the details of Goals, Tasks & Actions. Do & Measure the Actions.



The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And Practice: if Practice doesn't make perfect then what does?

Practice clarifying your desires.

Practice clarifying your Goals.

Practice communicating about your desires and Goals.

Practice defining the details of Tasks, with emphasis on the Tasks that yield the results you desire.

Practice taking Talent to the Tasks - i.e., Practice the best, most-focused-for-success Actions.

Practice communicating about Talents & Strengths and about Tasks and Actions.

Practice Measuring Actions.

Practice Measuring results.

These are the ways to better- and best-in-class performance.

These are the ways to Skills.

These are the ways to business success.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.