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Cavemen: another tribute

by Rick Baker
On Jul 12, 2013

Cavemen had it tough.

Yes, I know some are trying to make it look like cavemen had it cushy. 

Don`t believe it.

Cavemen had it tough.

When major problems arose they had to pull up their big-boy loin cloths and face the challenges.

Cavemen faced a simple choice: meet the challenge or lose...and often losing meant death.

Imagine how tough it must have been to watch your next-door cave-neighbour do things better than you...hunt better than you, gather better than you, build a better fire...let alone have a more elegant and ergonomic cave. How tough was that on the lizard brain?

So, if you believe in the 'theory of evolution', take comfort in the amazing genes that survived all those challenges and lived long enough to create you. You are made of good resilient stuff.

If you don't believe in the 'theory of evolution', take comfort in knowing it could be worse. You don't have to live in a cold, dark cave. And, Mother Nature outside your home and around your office ain't gonna eat you. If not evolution, at least time has blessed you.

PS: Either way it seems to me we owe a debt to those cave-people who walked this planet before us. They paved the path in so many ways. And, they did it the good-old-fashioned way - without designer shoes. Head-to-toe hardship...literally. Amazing!

PPS: When I used the word 'literally' above I was not trying to imply cave-people were particularly literate. I mean - that sort of thinking is not etched in stone.

link to earlier Cavemen articles (i.e., the Missing Link)


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business

Thought Tweet #780.5

by Rick Baker
On Jul 12, 2013

Thought Tweet #780.5 Grow your business by (A) Watching more Reality TV...say those alligator hunters or (B) Learning how to make changes.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I suppose I have a bit of a problem with Reality TV. 

It seems to me all the episodes about alligator hunters, child models, cake makers, pawn brokers, storage closet people, and garbage pickers are diluting rather than adding to reality. 

Thought Tweet #780

by Rick Baker
On Jul 12, 2013

Thought Tweet #780 Beware those vagrant thoughts. [Unless, of course, you want to waste a lot of time.]


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Vagrant thoughts find their home in the endless mental chatter that flows through our minds. 

Vagrant thoughts make up much of our mental chatter.

Some of our thoughts meet the criteria for statutory vagrancy - they are intentionally unproductive and [call it] allergic to gainful employment.

Yet, somehow, vagrant thoughts manage to camp out in our minds. They take centre stage when we pay attention to them. They swell when we feed them. They are super-contagious, even able to infect and sour our attitude toward others and life.

Yes, vagrant thoughts are super-powerful. As one example, vagrant thoughts overrule our common sense and convince us we can read other people's minds and motives while, at the same time, they confuse us about our own minds and motives.

Vagrant thoughts confound.

Beware those vagrant thoughts.


Brain: about the Human Brain | I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

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