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Thought Tweet #786.5

by Rick Baker
On Jul 22, 2013

Thought Tweet #786.5 When you solve a problem at your workplace check to see if the solution could help your clients' businesses.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

...and your suppliers' businesses...and your allies' businesses.

Spread good solutions. Spread better and best practices.

Challenge your leadership team to understand what it means to be best-in-class or better. 

Be bold. Be confident your thinking is creating top-quality solutions. Share your solutions and be open to feedback that helps you improve on your solutions. Share your solutions with business peers...exchange ideas and improvements.


Sales | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #786

by Rick Baker
On Jul 22, 2013

Thought Tweet #786 You think about how you act at work. Do you think about how you think at work?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

While at work...

  • you think
  • you act

While at work...

  • you act without thinking...i.e., your habits kick in and you act in rote ways, with very little or no thought
  • you think then act...relying on your judgment to lead you to better action [i.e., action that takes you toward your desired goals]
While at work...
  • do you think about how you think?

Thinking about how you think is the essential ingredient for change and for innovation.

Stated in other words...

  • if you do not think about how you think then it is highly unlikely you will broaden or deepen the way you think
  • if you do not broaden or deepen the way you think then it is highly unlikely you will improve the way you take action
  • if you do not improve the way you take action it is highly unlikely you will alter the results you achieve
A related Thought Post

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