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Thought Tweet #784.5

by Rick Baker
On Jul 18, 2013

Thought Tweet #784.5 Two differences between Coaches and Mentors: Mentors have done it & Mentors introduce you to the right people.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Coaches are to Managers what Mentors are to Leaders.

Leaders lead because they have proven their ability to know, do, and inspire ... and the best Leaders add mentoring to their roles. 

Managers manage because they have proven their ability to know, instruct, and monitor ... and the best Managers add coaching to their roles.


Leaders' Thoughts | Spirited Leaders | Succession | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #784

by Rick Baker
On Jul 18, 2013

Thought Tweet #784 When you solve a problem at your workplace check to see if the solution could help your clients...and suppliers.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

...and business allies.

Spread your solutions. Spread better and best practices.

Challenge your leadership team to understand what it means to be best-in-class or better.

Be bold. Be confident your thinking is creating top-quality solutions.

Share your solutions and be open to feedback that helps you improve on your solutions and uncover opportunities.

Share your solutions with business peers...exchange ideas, exchange improvements, and exchange opportunities.


Sales | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Take Talent To Task & Build Motivation

by Rick Baker
On Jul 18, 2013



Leaders have the ability to provide Opportunities and Specialized Knowledge to help their people Practise Skills and build Strengths. This is the way leaders can help people take Talent to Task. And Tasks can and should be broken down into discrete Actions…the Vital Behaviours that lead to successful completion of Goals.


When people know they are using their Talents to perform essential Actions – when people know they are truly taking Talent to Task – they are naturally self-motivated.


And Goals are achieved.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.