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Thought Tweet #785.5

by Rick Baker
On Jul 19, 2013

Thought Tweet #785.5 Make sure your business solutions are less complicated than your problems.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you cannot get your people to do what needs to be done, you are not alone. And, perhaps you are not in good company. Or, perhaps you need some straightforward help.

Do not buy into the current trend of thinking that claim solutions need to be complex. That's untested...unproven smoke-and-mirrors opinion.

If I was your CEO, I would...

by Rick Baker
On Jul 19, 2013

If I was your CEO, I would:

  1. Create an organization chart, clearly spelling out the key roles and activities required for success in 2013 in this industry sector.
  2. Create a clear written Vision statement, describing what I want to see in 3 years...complemented by 3 personal stories to help people understand: Why (I want it this way), How (I want people to behave...facets of Character and Values), and What (things are Vital Tasks and Actions). 
  3. Set Goals, with first focus on: People`s Talents, Clients' Value Propositions, Gross Margin, & Cashflow 
  4. Put in place the tools that ensure the ability to Measure performance...a Performance Tracking System 
  5. Interview/review all staff, starting with the people in key roles, to determine if they are: clearly keepers, quality performers, or risky investments...taking talent to task
  6. Create and implement a People development Strategy: for each keeper and quality individual...with attention to role, role description, reporting, role-in-teams, self-monitoring and self-reporting...and with commitment to self-development, commitment to people & their Talents, commitment to systems (including Measures of Actions and results), commitment to self-development, and commitment to communication improvement.
  7. Create and implement an Operations Improvement Strategy: defining desired Client relationships and processes; defining philosophies about Money; clarifying what Service means (and how to deliver it); clarifying what Quality means (and how to deliver it) and clarifying what Profit means (and how to earn and collect it).
In summary...

If I was your CEO, I would set...

  1. the Required Strengths...an org chart picture
  2. the Vision
  3. the Goals
  4. the metrics and Measures for performance tracking
  5. the Right People in the right roles: taking talent to task
  6. the People Development Strategy
  7. the Operations Improvement Strategy
And, I would do those things in that order.

Thought Tweet #785

by Rick Baker
On Jul 19, 2013

Thought Tweet #785 Your Gut Feel: Is it good, bad, or indifferent?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Does your gut feel serve you well? Is it, somehow, a conveyor for wisdom? Does it, somehow, glom onto the right signals and paths?


Does your gut feel fail you? Is it a conduit for wayward emotions - ill-aimed emotions? Does it steer you onto rocky, twisted roads?


Has your gut feel been subsumed into silence? Is it now outside your awareness? Does it remain hidden while you think?


If you had your way, how would you want your gut feel to serve you?

Do you not have your way?


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Thought Tweets

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