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Thought Tweet #783

by Rick Baker
On Jul 17, 2013

Thought Tweet #783 It isn't about who's right or who's wrong. It's about who doesn't have emotions under control - and Why?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Disputes in the work environment often escalate. And, they often spread and affect many people. When you face situations of conflict and dispute remember - It isn't about who's right or who's wrong. It's about who doesn't have emotions under control - and Why?

And, of course, make sure you aren't among those who do not have their emotions under control. 

Emotional disputes do a lot of damage and waste a lot of energy [energy - which, if it wasn't being wasted, could be put to constructive use].


Communication: Improving Communication | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #783.5

by Rick Baker
On Jul 17, 2013

Thought Tweet #783.5 In a fanfare of keen sense of judgment, unleash creativity.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Keen Sense Of Justice - in his 1937 classic 'Think and Grow Rich', Napoleon Hill taught this leadership attribute. 

Somehow, our business leaders often miss this essential attribute. 

Perhaps, many business leaders see themselves as just too busy to spend time on considering their need to make people-decisions that confirm a keen sense of justice? 

Well then - just bear in mind the most successful people have more time.


Hero Worship | Thought Tweets

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