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CHANGING FOR THE BETTER: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things - #14

by Rick Baker
On Mar 27, 2012

"Life is a repetition of the same things over again."

"Life is ceaseless reiteration."

James Allen wrote those sentences 100 years ago.

He did not say these things as a complaint: they were observations.

He did not say these things in resignation; they were explanations.

Allen explained why people are the way they are so he could go on to help them make changes for the better

Below is one example, which shows how Allen approached changing for the better and how he helped other people change for the better. It is an illustration of step-by-step thoughts about change. Step-by-step, often in baby steps rather than giant leaps...that's the correct way to approach change.

Here is how Allen described the 5 Stages in Regeneration:1


  1. Reflection: Deep and earnest thought on the nature and meaning of life.
  2. Introspection: Looking inwardly for the causes and effects which operate in life.
  3. Self-analysis: Searching the springs of thought and purifying the motives in order to find the truth of life.
  4. Meditation: Pure and discriminative thought on the facts and principles of life.
  5. Pure Perception: Insight. Direct knowledge of the laws of life.
Of course, Allen's aim here is spiritual - 'Enlightenment'. That aim will appeal to some. It will not appeal to others.
The 5 Stages of Regeneration parallel the stages needed to make any change for the better
To make changes for the better you must:
  • reflect on what you are trying to accomplish in your role
  • perform introspection, recognizing you sow the seeds of the things you reap
  • self-analyse, to understand why you do the things you do
  • think in an orderly and focused way
  • work to perceive accurately and objectively, rather than with bias and judgment
  1. Source: 'The Shining Gateway', published in 1915 - 3 years after Allen's passing


Change: Creating Positive Change | Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

CHANGING FOR THE BETTER: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things - #13

by Rick Baker
On Mar 13, 2012

Over the last 2 years, I have written several Thought Posts on the topic of 'Changing for the Better', which, it seems to me, is something most People expend much energy thinking about and trying to do. 

People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things. And, working at Changing for the Better is a Good Habit.

In fact, there is no better habit

Life-long learning, aimed at self-improvement...for Spirited Leaders there is no better habit

Recently, I read the following quote in James Allen's 1912 book - 'Light on Life's Difficulties':

To live is to think and act, and to think and act is to change. While man is ignorant of the nature of thought, he continues to change for better or worse; but, being acquainted with the nature of thought, he intelligently accelerates and directs the process of change, and only for the better.”

100 years ago, James Allen presented these key pieces of life and work philosophy as well as they can be presented.

James Allen was a brilliant man and an elegant and eloquent writer. In the above two sentences he captured the philosophy behind 'Think and Grow Rich'. He also captured the physiological fact now known as brain neuroplasticity.




How to get People to like you even better - #1

by Rick Baker
On Mar 7, 2012

Here are the Top 10 results of a recent impromptu and unscientific survey on the topic...

How to get People to like you even better:

10. Don't armtwist People...that is to be taken literally

9. Don't make jokes at other People's expense...even if they aren't with you

8. Don't scream at People when they are right in front of you, [it might be OK to do it if they are a long way away].

7. Don't steal People's ideas or their successes.

6. Don't badmouth People behind their backs.

5. Don't swindle People.

4. Don't make bored faces when People are talking to you.

3. Don't make funny faces while People are talking to you.

2. Don't check for notes on your smart phone when People are talking to you.

1. Don't tell People to shut up when they are talking to you.


[Imagine how many more People will like you if you add all these Good Habits to your TO DO List.]


Beyond Business | Change: Creating Positive Change | Optimism & Pessimism

"Time" Management

by Rick Baker
On Mar 6, 2012

First of all, I believe we all understand we cannot manage time. We cannot slow down clocks or speed them up...the ticking of the clocks was agreed upon and set by our scientific forefathers long before we were born.

We can, however, manage our thoughts and our actions. We can manage the energy consumed by our thoughts and actions.

Managing our energy, that's an important thing to do.

I don't think too many people would argue with that last point.

Manage your energy!

That's good advice.


Related to managing your energy, here are some questions to consider.

Per day, on average, how much time do you spend:

  • 100% concentrating/focusing on a single task?
  • concentrating on a single task, as best you can, while being interrupted by people, thoughts, noises, etc?
  • multi-tasking?
  • stewing about things that happened in the past?
  • being annoyed by things other people do?
  • being instructed by people who have authority over you?
  • giving instructions to people who follow you?
  • worrying about things that could happen in the future?
  • getting present?
  • meditating?
  • thinking or saying - "There are not enough hours in the day"?
  • learning how to focus and concentrate?
You have energy.
You can only use it 2 ways:
  1. Thinking
  2. Acting
The next level of detail...
You can only use your energy 4 ways:
  1. Thinking in a manner that aligns with your Goals
  2. Thinking in a manner that does not align with your Goals
  3. Acting in a manner that aligns with your Goals.
  4. Acting in a manner that does not align with your Goals.
These apply regardless of how clear or how fuzzy your Goals may be.
These are the 4 ways you use your energy.
These are the 4 ways you spend your time.
You can, by doing #1, choose the right 'balance' of these 4 ways...
...or you can not do that.
To the extent you choose and do #1 you can maximize #3, make the best use of your energy, and spend your time in a way you define as - well.... as in time well spent.
Really, what would you rather say...
"That was time well spent."
"There are not enough hours in the day."

Thought Tweet #424

by Rick Baker
On Mar 1, 2012

Thought Tweet #424 Leaders, more than others, need to be comfortable with uncertainty.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Change is only constructive when people are comfortable. For Change: Leaders must set the stage and set the example. Leaders, more than others, need to be comfortable with uncertainty. This allows them to help others get comfortable with uncertainty. When people are more-comfortable with uncertainty the path for change is paved.


Change: Creating Positive Change | Thought Tweets

Improving Management Reporting

by Rick Baker
On Feb 29, 2012

Your Key People will buy into improving Measurement & Reporting on Results when:

  1. Key People view the work-action-changes as Common Sense Important. [Key People need to buy into the fact, this is not contentious work – this is Important work]
  2. Key People view the Measurement method as Simple.
  3. Key People view the work-action as Not-Urgent. The less pressure they feel the quicker and better the results. Less pressure does not mean less importance or less dedication to the duty. It means, taking a realistic and less emotional approach. We build on successes. The first Change may seem incredibly slow to observers [and entrepreneurial owners]. The second change will happen a little faster, the third change again a little faster…the pace will increase as People gain confidence.
  4. Key People feel Comfortable with the pace…Change is Only Constructive when People are Comfortable…break the change up into small steps [Baby Steps]
  5. The Key People have Positive Attitudes. Pressure tends to cause backfires while positive attitudes tend to be contagious.
  6. The Key People focus on individual’s Strengths [for example, talking about People's StrengthsFinder Top 5 Talent Themes], never on weaknesses.
  7. Key People repeat the need-for-measurement messages. Repetition! They must ensure their messages are clear and simple...then they must repeat, repeat, & repeat them. 

Change is a process, not an event. To improve Measurement & Reporting on Results the key thoughts are: Common Sense Important, Simple, Non-Urgency, Comfortable pace, Positive Attitudes, Focus on Strengths, and Repeat!


Change: Creating Positive Change | Measure & Monitor

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.